My name is Jerry King(王泽瑞, in Chinese). I am a graduate student from Software Engineering Institute(SEI) of Peking University. I studied in Peking University from 2009 to 2013 as an undergraduate student majored in Computer Science and Technology.

Before entering Peking University, I didn’t have the chance to touch programming. Therefore learning C++ in my first programming course was pretty hard at that time. Thanks to my nice teachers and talented classmates, I got through it after all. After learning many awesome courses such as Introduction to Algorigthms, Data Structures, Operating System and so on, I found myself keen on programming.

It is great to see my ideas work effectively! The process of having a idea, programming to implement it and making it work is just like seeing a person growing from a baby to a mature man.

Although C++ is my first programming language, I find Java and python easier to use and I take them as my main development languages. We learned Scheme, a dialect of Lisp, in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Lisp is really an interesting language and I want to learn it in depth sometime.

At first, Visual Studio and Eclipse are used as my development environment. Tired of the giant VS, I use VIM to develop programs instead now. This blog is written in VIM. However, it is hard for VIM to take place of Eclipse in Java development. I am interested in Linux because it is a more cumtomizable and programmable system. For now, I know some basic concepts in Linux and shell commands, I am trying to make my Debian a more efficient system.

Recently, I am studying machine learning beacause it is powerfull and has a solid theoretic foundation.


Most of us spend nearly 16 years in school learning, but what on earth is learning? I didn’t consider this question until I got started on machine learning recently.

In my opinion, there are three steps modeling, memorizing and applying in learning. Modeling is very important. Memory occupied and what to be applied is up to how you model the question. In most time, science teachers are teaching students modeling methods, such as math formulas.

Due to its structure, our brain has a limited memory. It is impossible to memorize all stuffs that has been, is being and is to be learned. We need effective approaches to organize our memory.The first one is to take our brain as cache. We only load those knowledge frequently used into our brain and maintain a disk storing a large scale of knowledge. The second one is to take our brain as hash tables. We only store the keys and addresses of knowledge, thus we can quickly locate the knowledge needed when used.

In order to apply knowledge we have learned, a quick matching and searching approach is necessary. If we have a good modeling ability and a well-organized memory, applying will never by our problem.

All in all, good modeling ability as well as a well-organized knowledge base plays a significant role in learning. I will give it my best shot to make this blog my large-scale and well-organized knowledge base.


As metioned in the section WHO AM I, my blogs lie in the following aspects: java, python, vim, linux and machine learning. Besides my projects will be introduced, too. However, some other stuffs may be included.

Other stuffs.

Update schedule

Since this is a new born blog site and I have a lot to learn, I will write a new post every one week.